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Másteres universitarios

Master’s Degree (Professional Qualification) in Industrial Engineering

The Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering is the professional qualification that gives access to those who complete it to the status of Industrial Engineer, a regulated profession according to Order CIN/311/2009. Our School has been training Industrial Engineers since 1850, the year in which this profession was established in Spain.

Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering

The main objective of this master’s degree is to provide advanced training to students in Chemical Engineering, focused on the development of high-level competencies, such as the ability to solve complex problems, adaptation to changing situations, autonomous learning or the generation of new ideas.

Master’s Degree (Professional Qualification) in Industrial Engineering

The Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering is the professional qualification that gives access to those who complete it to the status of Industrial Engineer, a regulated profession according to Order CIN/311/2009. Our School has been training Industrial Engineers since 1850, the year in which this profession was established in Spain.

Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering

The main objective of this master’s degree is to provide advanced training to students in Chemical Engineering, focused on the development of high-level competencies, such as the ability to solve complex problems, adaptation to changing situations, autonomous learning or the generation of new ideas.

Másteres universitarios ESPECIALISTAS

Master’s Degree in Automation and Robotics

The core of this master’s degree is focused on education related to automatic systems, robotics in industrial plants and processes, intelligent control or artificial perception, which are a fundamental part of the transformations that are taking place in the industrial and services sector.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Electronics

It is a master’s degree taught mainly in English, which provides a very complete training in the field of industrial electronics, integrating the student in the Center for Industrial Electronics, with close links to companies, developing projects with a high component of R & D, innovation and industrial application.

Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering

This master’s degree provides education in the field of engineering that studies environmental problems in an integrated manner, taking into account their ecological, social, economic and technological dimensions, with the aim of promoting sustainable development, having a marked multidisciplinary character.

Master in Energy Engineering

This master’s degree is aimed at the comprehensive training of researchers, middle management and company managers in the energy sector, offering global training in the energy field, as well as specialization in specific sectors, such as renewable energies, energy markets, generation technologies, energy resources and nuclear technology.

Master in Organizational Engineering

The Master’s Degree in Organizational Engineering (MIO) aims to train engineers who can play a relevant role in the design, implementation and operation of organizations of all types in a world in which technology and organization are evolving rapidly.

Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering

This master’s degree has been conceived to offer a unique training itinerary oriented both to professionals who wish to broaden their knowledge in the field of Electrical Engineering, as well as to those who wish to start in the field of research. The contents and methodology followed are adapted to the basic knowledge of each professional profile and to the intended knowledge and skills.

Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

The master’s degree is oriented fundamentally around two main areas: one related to technologies associated with the development and manufacture of products and the other related to vehicle technologies, including both automobiles and railroads. It has a high professional projection in the industry, as well as for technological services companies, due to its multidisciplinary character.

Master’s Degree in Automation and Robotics

The core of this master’s degree is focused on education related to automatic systems, robotics in industrial plants and processes, intelligent control or artificial perception, which are a fundamental part of the transformations that are taking place in the industrial and services sector.

Master’s Degree in Industrial Electronics

It is a master’s degree taught mainly in English, which provides a very complete training in the field of industrial electronics, integrating the student in the Center for Industrial Electronics, with close links to companies, developing projects with a high component of R & D, innovation and industrial application.

Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering

This master’s degree provides education in the field of engineering that studies environmental problems in an integrated manner, taking into account their ecological, social, economic and technological dimensions, with the aim of promoting sustainable development, having a marked multidisciplinary character.

Master in Energy Engineering

This master’s degree is aimed at the comprehensive training of researchers, middle management and company managers in the energy sector, offering global training in the energy field, as well as specialization in specific sectors, such as renewable energies, energy markets, generation technologies, energy resources and nuclear technology.

Master in Organizational Engineering

The Master’s Degree in Organizational Engineering (MIO) aims to train engineers who can play a relevant role in the design, implementation and operation of organizations of all types in a world in which technology and organization are evolving rapidly.

Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering

This master’s degree has been conceived to offer a unique training itinerary oriented both to professionals who wish to broaden their knowledge in the field of Electrical Engineering, as well as to those who wish to start in the field of research. The contents and methodology followed are adapted to the basic knowledge of each professional profile and to the intended knowledge and skills.

Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

The master’s degree is oriented fundamentally around two main areas: one related to technologies associated with the development and manufacture of products and the other related to vehicle technologies, including both automobiles and railroads. It has a high professional projection in the industry, as well as for technological services companies, due to its multidisciplinary character.

Másteres universitarios INTERNACIONALES

Master in Safe and Reliable Nuclear Applications

Máster Erasmus-Mundus de 2 años totalmente impartido en inglés, coordinado por la IMT-Atlantique (Nantes, Francia) con la participación de la UPM y las universidades Tecnológica de Lappeenranta (Finlandia) y Liubliana (Eslovenia). Centrado en la energía nuclear, tiene dos itinerarios orientados al diseño y operación de centrales nucleares y a la gestión segura de los residuos radiactivos y el desmantelamiento de instalaciones. Con una fuerte cultura internacional, permite a estudiantes de todo el mundo unirse al programa.

DOBLES Másteres

Doble Máster en Ingeniería Industrial y Automática y Robótica

Este Doble Máster integra la formación integral del Ingeniero Industrial con el máster especialista en automática y robótica. Se adquieren las atribuciones para el ejercicio de la profesión de Ingeniero Industrial y simultáneamente una excelente formación especializada relacionada con sistemas autómaticos, robótica en plantas y procesos industriales, control inteligente o percepción artificial.

Doble Máster en Ingeniería Industrial y en Electrónica Industrial

Este Doble Máster integra la formación integral del Ingeniero Industrial con el máster especialista en electrónica industrial. Se adquieren las atribuciones para el ejercicio de la profesión de Ingeniero Industrial y simultáneamente se integra al alumno en el Centro de Electrónica Industrial y en sus actividades formativas y con empresas.

Doble Máster en Ingeniería Industrial y en Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear

Para los alumnos que han cursado el Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales (GITI), este Doble Máster aúna la formación integral del Ingeniero Industrial con una especialización en energía nuclear de fisión y de fusión. Se adquieren las atribuciones para el ejercicio de la profesión de Ingeniero Industrial y simultáneamente una excelente formación especializada en Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear.

Doble Máster en Ingeniería Industrial y Automática y Robótica

Este Doble Máster integra la formación integral del Ingeniero Industrial con el máster especialista en automática y robótica. Se adquieren las atribuciones para el ejercicio de la profesión de Ingeniero Industrial y simultáneamente una excelente formación especializada relacionada con sistemas autómaticos, robótica en plantas y procesos industriales, control inteligente o percepción artificial.

Doble Máster en Ingeniería Industrial y en Electrónica Industrial

Este Doble Máster integra la formación integral del Ingeniero Industrial con el máster especialista en electrónica industrial. Se adquieren las atribuciones para el ejercicio de la profesión de Ingeniero Industrial y simultáneamente se integra al alumno en el Centro de Electrónica Industrial y en sus actividades formativas y con empresas.

Doble Máster en Ingeniería Industrial y en Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear

Para los alumnos que han cursado el Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales (GITI), este Doble Máster aúna la formación integral del Ingeniero Industrial con una especialización en energía nuclear de fisión y de fusión. Se adquieren las atribuciones para el ejercicio de la profesión de Ingeniero Industrial y simultáneamente una excelente formación especializada en Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear.


Máster en Economía y Gestión de la Innovación

Programa de carácter interuniversitario impartido conjuntamente por las Universidades Autónoma, Complutense y Politécnica de Madrid, dirigido a licenciados e ingenieros en cualquier disciplina, aunque se valoran especialmente los conocimientos previos en economía; y busca contribuir al estudio e investigación sobre temas relacionados con la innovación y su aplicación práctica en empresas y organismos públicos.
El máster obtuvo la Mención de Calidad del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, y está coordinado con el programa de Doctorado en Economía y Gestión de la Innovación, que obtuvo la Mención hacia la Excelencia del Ministerio de Educación.
En el curso 2017-18, el MEGIN se encuentra clasificado dentro del TOP 50 mundial del Ránking Eduniversal, en el puesto nº 25 en el área “Business Intelligence and Strategy”.


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